Andrew Durbin & Iris Cushing

Andrew Durbin co-edits Wonder, a publisher of art books, ephemera, pamphlets, and glossies. He is the author of Reveler (Argos Books, forthcoming 2013). His writings have appeared (or are forthcoming0 in the Boston ReviewBrooklyn RailConjunctionsFence, Maggy, and elsewhere. He is an associate editor of Conjunctions and lives in New York City.

Iris Cushing was born in Tarzana, California. She is the author of Wyoming (winner of the 2013 Furniture Press Poetry Prize) forthcoming this fall. In 2011, she was a writer-in-residence at Grand Canyon National Park. Her poems have appeared in the Boston Review, Paperbag, No, Dear and other places. Iris lives in Brooklyn and edits Argos Books. She is also currently at work on a couple of collaborations with visual artists.