Claire Donato & Douglas A. Martin

Claire Donato
Claire Donato‘s writing—at once ambient, investigative, and cathartic—collates forms and materials. She is the author of Burial (Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2013), a not-novel novel, and The Second Body (Poor Claudia, 2016; Tarpaulin Sky Press, reissue forthcoming 2019), a collection of poems, and is currently completing two books: 1) Gravity and Grace, the Chicken and the Egg, or: How to Cook Everything Vegetarian, a hybrid novella about orthorexia, depressive narcissism, love, and healing; and 2) Kind Mirrors, Ugly Ghosts, a collection of essayistic short stories that reckons with sexual trauma and mercy in the #MeToo era, and adopts Donnie Darko, Wings of Desire, 12-step programs, and psychoanalysis as reference points. Other writing has appeared or is forthcoming in The Believer, Territory, DIAGRAM, Bennington Review, BOMB, Fanzine, and The Elephants. Claire teaches poetics and advises theses in the Writing Program at Pratt Institute, curates digital language art (most recently for Brown University’s Interrupt V Festival), serves as a Mentor for the PEN Prison Writing Project, is a children’s reading and zine tutor, and lives with one cat and ~50 houseplants in a psychic’s building in Brooklyn.

Douglas A. Martin
Douglas A. Martin is the author of most recently of a lyric study, Acker (Nightboat Books). Other titles span poetry and prose and include: Once You Go Back, Your Body Figured, In The Time of Assignments, Branwell, and They Change the Subject. Douglas’s first novel, Outline of My Lover, was selected as an International Book of the Year in The Times Literary Supplement and adapted in part by the Forsythe Company for their multimedia ballet and live film, “Kammer/Kammer.” A Professor and Assistant Director of Creative Writing at Wesleyan University, Douglas also teaches in the low residency MFA program at Goddard College and divides time between Brooklyn and upstate New York.