Clayton Eshleman & Robert Kelly


Clayton Eshleman‘s most recent publications include: An Alchemist with One Eye on Fire (poems, Black Widow Presss, 2006); The Complete Poetry of Cesar Vallejo (University of California Press, 2007); Reciprocal Distillations (poems, Hot Whiskey Press, 2007); Archaic Design (interviews, notes, prose poems, essays, Black Widow Press, 2007); The Grindstone of Rapport / A Clayton Eshleman Reader (poems, prose, translations, Black Widow Press, 2008). Eshleman is retired from Eastern Michigan University and continues to live in Ypsilanti, with his wife Caryl. They often lead tours of small groups to the painted Ice Age caves of southwestern France in June. Robert Kelly, a poet, essayist, and fiction writer, is the author of more than sixty books, most recently Lapis (Black Sparrow Press, 2005), Threads (First Intensity Press, 2006) and May Day (Parsifal Editions, 2006). Born and bred in Brooklyn, he went up the river 44 years ago, to Annandale-on-Hudson, where he has taught at Bard College ever since.