David Buuck & Zoe Tuck

David Buuck
David Buuck lives in Oakland, CA. He is the co-founder and editor of Tripwire, a journal of poetics, and founder of BARGE, the Bay Area Research Group in Enviro-aesthetics. Recent books include Noise in the Face of (Roof Books 2016), SITE CITE CITY (Futurepoem, 2015) and An Army of Lovers, co-written with Juliana Spahr (City Lights, 2013). A new chapbook, The Riotous Outside, is forthcoming from Commune Editions in 2018.
Zoe Tuck
Zoe Tuck was born in Texas, became a person in California, and now lives in Massachusetts. She is pursuing a PhD at Umass Amherst and co-curates the But Also house reading series. Since the publication of her book, Terror Matrix, by Timeless, Infinite Light, Zoe has been a member of the press’s editorial collective, as well as being a co-editor of HOLD: a journal. She is currently working on a new poetry manuscript and a critical work about transgender poetics.