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Edmund Berrigan & Alison C. Rollins

Edmund Berrigan
Edmund Berrigan is the author of two books of poetry, Disarming Matter (Owl Press, 1999) and Glad Stone Children (Farfalla, 2008), and a memoir, Can It! (Letter Machine Editions, 2013). A new book of poems, More Gone, is forthcoming from City Lights in 2019. He edited Selected Poems of Steve Carey (Sub Press, 2009), and is co-editor with Anselm Berrigan and Alice Notley of The Collected Poems of Ted Berrigan (University of California, 2005) and The Selected Poems of Ted Berrigan (University of California, 2010).

Alison C. Rollins
Alison C. Rollins holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Howard University and a Master of Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Born and raised in St. Louis city, she currently works as a Librarian for the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
A Cave Canem and Callaloo Fellow, she is also a 2016 recipient of The Poetry Foundation’s Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sarget Rosenberg Fellowship. Rollins has most recently been awarded support from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference and is a recipient of a 2018 Rona Jaffe Writers’ Award.
Her debut poetry collection Library of Small Catastrophers is forthcoming with Copper Canyon Press in Spring 2019. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in American Poetry Review, New England Review, Poetry, The Poetry Review, and elsewhere.