Cassandra Gillig & Mel Elberg

Cassandra Gillig has crushes on the following poets &/or Poetry Project employees: Stacy, Matt, Simone, Carrie, Sue, Kelin, Leo, Anne, Alli, Dodie, Thom, John, Josef, Corina, Stephanie, Jenny, both Brandon Browns, Katy, Debbie, Kevin, Michael, Lewis, Anna, Kate, Gabe, Chris, Karen, Anselm, Cecilia, Laura, Brenda, Ben (Roylance), Becca, Cathy, Shannon, Nick, Trisha, Eileen, & the Ted Berrigan tree. Mel Elberg believes in the existence and value of many different kinds of thinking and interaction in a world where how close you can appear to a specific one of them determines whether you are seen as a real person, or an adult, or an intelligent person, and in a world in which those determine whether you have any rights.