Lewis Freedman lives in Madison where he co-organizes the reading series Oscar Presents with Anna Vitale, Andy Gricevich, and Jordan Dunn, and also prints and disseminates poetry chapbooks with a press he calls Anarchive. His most recent books are Hold the Blue Orb, Baby (Well Greased Press, 2013) and Solitude: The Complete Games (Troll Thread, 2013). Forthcoming are non-symbolic non-symbolic non-symbolic (Same Text) and Residual Synonyms for the Name of God (Ugly Duckling Presse).
Joey Yearous-Algozin is the author of Holly Melgard’s Friends and Family (Bon Aire Projects) and The Lazarus Project (TROLL THREAD), among others. He is a co-editor of TROLL THREAD. He lives in Brooklyn, NY.