Patrick James Dunagan & Daniel Nohejl


Patrick James Dunagan lives in San Francisco. His first book, GUSTONBOOK, is a workman’s notebook of sorts sketched out in response to years spent contemplating the work and life of painter Philip Guston in relation to the ongoing world, i.e. exhibitions, books on/about Guston, other books/art works amid daily walks, drinks, and talks. Other recent writings of his have appeared in: Amerarcana, Barzakh, Big Bell, Critical Flame, Galatea Resurrects, Jacket2, ON, The Poetry Project Newsletter, Polis, Rain Taxi, and Vanitas. Recent chapbooks include: from Chansonniers (Blue Press, 2008), Spirit Guest & Others (Lew Gallery Editions, 2009), Easy Eden w/ Micah Ballard (PUSH, 2009) and her friends down at the french cafe had no english words for me (PUSH, 2010). Daniel Nohejl‘s first pamphlet, Live a Little Better, was produced by The Physiocrats in 2009. He lives in Brooklyn and works as a crew leader at the Bronx Guild High School.