Talk Series: Sergio Bessa and Mónica de la Torre: Materials


Sergio Bessa is director of curatorial and education programs at the Bronx Museum. He is a scholar of concrete poetry with several papers published on the subject. He is the author of Öyvind Fahlström—The Art of Writing and co-editor of Novas—Selected Writings of Haroldo de Campos, both through Northwestern University Press. He has recently released Mary Ellen Solt—Towards a Theory of Concrete Poetry, a special issue of the Swedish journal OEI.

Mónica de la Torre is a cross-disciplinary writer whose poetry books in English are Talk Shows (Switchback, 2007) and Public Domain (Roof Books, 2008). She is also author of two Spanish-language poetry books published in Mexico City: Acúfenos (Taller Ditoria, 2006) and Sociedad Anónima (Bonobos/UNAM, 2010). As a translator and editor of Latin American poetry in translation, her most recent project is the anthology of post-Latino writing Malditos latinos, malditos sudacas: Poesía hispanoamericana Made in USA (Billar de Lucrecia, 2010). Her collaborative projects include The Collective Task and Richard Maxwell’s Ads. She is a 2009 NYFA poetry fellow and senior editor at BOMB Magazine.