The Tender Fierceness of Decolonial Poetics — Master Class with Raquel Salas Rivera

How can poetry be a decolonial practice? This workshop asks participants to engage with a range of decolonial literary and performative practices. We will be looking at work and translations by Leonel Rugama, Ángelamaría Dávila, Mickey Negrón, Rubén Dario, Julia de Burgos, Craig Santos Perez, Bad Bunny, Marigloria Palma, and Tego Calderón, among others. We will also look at forms of performance that have taken part in strikes, protests, and social movements.

The workshop will include writing and performative exercises. Students are invited to bring their own work, as well as examples of poets who influence their ideas toward a decolonial poetics.

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Foto tomada por: Nicole Olivieri Pagan

Raquel Salas Rivera

Raquel Salas Rivera is the 2018-19 Poet Laureate of Philadelphia and a CantoMundo Fellow. Their work has appeared in journals such as the Revista del Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, Apogee, McSweeney’s, and the Boston Review. They are the author of Caneca de anhelos turbios (Editora Educación Emergente), oropel/tinsel (Lark Books), tierra intermitente (Ediciones Alayubia), and lo terciario/the tertiary (Timeless, Infinite Light). Currently, they are Co-editor of Puerto Rico en mi corazón, a collection of bilingual broadsides of contemporary Puerto Rican poets.