Tracey McTague & Cat Tyc

Tracey McTague lives up on Battle Hill in Brooklyn, down the street from where she was born and across the room from where her daughter was born. She is the ornithologist consigliere for Lungfull! Magazine by day. By night, she is a root doctor, alchemist and hunter-gatherer. Her book Super Natural (Trembling Pillow Press) was just born in New Orleans. Cat Tyc is a Brooklyn based poet/videomaker interested in new media poetics and how form interacts on multiple platforms. She has been a Fellow at the Flaherty Seminar “Creative Demolition: Reconstructing Culture through Innovations in Film & Video” at Vassar College and has had short films that have screened in galleries & festivals in Seattle, Portland, New York Cit, Los Angeles, Berlin and London. XLR8R magazine wrote about her work saying, “Tyc’s visual depiction of ‘seeing’ sound moves into a realm far deeper than music video, becoming something closer to abstract illusionism.”  In 2012, she presented a retrospective screening of her early video work at the Microscope Gallery in Bushwick. Her writing has been published in journals and on websites like Shampoo, Boog City, XCP Streetnotes and the anthology “Northwest Edge” published by Chiasmus Press.