Vibrant Futures, directed by Robin Schavoir and Lea Cetera, is a fictional mini-series about a tree-dwelling community living in giant redwoods that experiences a rebirth of consciousness. Originally written and conceived as a five hour long film, it has been subdivided into an episodic miniseries being produced and released in consecutive order. Episode One, the 55 minute pilot, was completed in September of 2008, and was screened at Guild and Greyshkul Gallery, NYC. To view Episode One, and learn more about this project please visit
Vibrant Futures: Episode Two is the second installment of this five part miniseries. Watch as Trey solves the mystery of Lucy’s hat, Carl shows off his skatting skills and Moonface is visited by her old love. Approx. running time: 60 min.
Robin Schavoir is a Belgian-born artist. He attended the Cooper Union School of Art, and the Longy School of Music in Boston. He now lives and works in New York City.
Lea Marie Cetera is a New York City based artist. She was born in Brooklyn, NY and received her B.F.A from the Cooper Union School of Art in 2005. She is the co-founder and director of the experimental puppetry collaborative, IMAGINATIONEXPLOSION.