Poems and Texts

excerpt from The Prospect by Marcella Durand

Marcella Durand & Anne Tardos
Wednesday, April 3, 2019

excerpt from The Prospect

The prospect—to return to that word
and really think about it, dig into it, like how a word
can be like dirt, and can sprout something like green,
green all over, but still, the prospect, which implies
something incipient, and maybe something planned? Planning
for the future, something happening or about to happen along a line
of green woods, or green horizon, or just a green line

along the edge of what we can see, we who peer
out the window and if you didn’t know the window
was placed in the wall in a way to look out over
a line of green along the horizon almost like
it was coming toward you, that line, spreading toward us.

Photo: Andrew Zawacki

Marcella Durand

Marcella Durand‘s books include The Prospect, Rays of the Shadow, Le Jardin de M. (The Garden of M.), with French translations by Olivier Brossard, Deep Eco Pré, a collaboration with Tina Darragh, AREA, and Traffic & Weather, written during a residency at the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council. Her translation from French of Michèle Métail’s book-length piece, Earth’s Horizons/Les horizons du sol, was published this year by Black Square Edition

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