Renee Gladman is a writer and artist preoccupied with lines, crossings, thresholds, and geographies as they play out in the interstices of poetry and prose. She is the author of eleven published works, including a cycle of novels about the city-state Ravicka and its inhabitants, the Ravickians—Event Factory (2010), The Ravickians (2011), Ana Patova Crosses a Bridge (2013), and Houses of Ravicka (2017)—as well as Calamities, a collection of linked auto-essays on the intersections of writing, drawing, and community, which won the 2017 CLMP Firecracker Award for Creative Non-Fiction, and two monographs of drawings: Prose Architectures (2017) and One Long Black Sentence (forthcoming fall 2019). Recent essays and visual work have appeared in The Paris Review, Gulf Coast, Granta, Harper’s, BOMB magazine, and n+1. She has been awarded fellowships, artist grants, and residencies from the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard, Foundation for Contemporary Arts, and the Lannan Foundation, among others. For 2019, she is Writer-in-Residence at KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin.
Renee Gladman