- Staff Letters: Stacy Szymaszek and Simone White
- Notes from the Project
- In Memoriam: Stephen Rodefer
- In Memoriam: Bill Kushner
- Four Poems: Krystal Languell
- Photo Essay: Kaia Sand
- Interview: Jerome Rothenberg & Pierre Joris with Betsy Fagin
- Reading Calendar
- Reviews: Gina Myers on Lee Ann Brown; Adjua Gargi Nzinga Greaves on Amanda Ackerman; Ryan Nowlin on Lewis Warsh; Laura Henriksen on Susie Timmons; Karen Lepri on Dawn Lundy Martin; Thom Donovan on Stephanie Gray
- Crossword Puzzle
- Cover image: “I was crime… I will be poetry” (Lagoa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)