- Readings
- Announcements
- Poems: Invocation by Tom Weigel; Fireflies by Amy Wilson; Untitled by Rose Lesniak; Mon., Artificial Heart and Thurs. by Ann Rower; It Could Be You by Carol Cellucci; by fire by Steve Fried; Hockey by Paul Schneeman; A Puff by Steve Levine.
- Books and Magazines Received
- Reviews: The Collected Poems of Robert Creeley: 1945-1975 by Tom Clark; Pound/Ford: The Story of a Literary Friendship by Gary Lenhart; The Border Guards: Poems of the Greek Resistance (1940-1946) by Mary Ferrari; Joe the Engineer by Greg Masters; Riddle Road by Tom Clark; Considering how exaggerated music is by David Schneider; Four Lectures by Ted Berrigan.
- Essays: Celebrating Susanne K. Langer by Kenneth King; On The Road: A Beat Convention by John Daley.
- Editor: Greg Masters