Donna de la Perrière & Dana Ward


Donna de la Perrière is the author of True Crime and Saint Erasure (forthcoming from Talisman House, Fall 2010). Her work has appeared in Agni, American Letters and Commentary, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, Five Fingers Review, The New England Review and Bread Loaf Quarterly, New American Writing, and other journals, as well as No Gender: Reflections on the Life and Work of kari edwards and Bay Poetics.

Dana Ward is the author of, most recently, Typing ‘Wild Speech’. New poems are out or forthcoming in Burdock, Lana Turner, Peaches & Bats, & other spots. He lives in Cincinnati, edits books & hosts readings under the Cy Press banner & works as an advocate for adult literacy at the Over-the-Rhine Learning Center.