Dot Devota & Anne Tardos

Dot Devota

The Division of Labor (Rescue Press), And The Girls Worried Terribly (Noemi Press), The Eternal Wall (Bookthug), MW: A Midwest Field Guide (Editions19\). The poet Dot Devota was born in St. Louis and travels full time with her partner Brandon Shimoda. Her latest work is a dated book about a woman trapped in a woman’s body who finds the love of her life and watches a lot of news about war.

Anne Tardos

Anne Tardos’s poetry is renowned for its fluid use of multiple languages and its innovative forms. Among her recent books are The Camel’s Pedestal, I Am You, NINE, Both Poems, and The Dik-dik’s Solitude. She is the editor of three posthumous books of poetry by Jackson Mac Low: Thing of Beauty, 154 Forties, and The Complete Light Poems [with Michael O’Driscoll]. A Fellow in Poetry from the New York Foundation for the Arts, Tardos lives in New York.

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