Epistemic Virtues of Writing — Master Class with Yuri Herrera

In this Master Class, participants will explore estrangement and decentering as epistemic virtues of writing. Through writing exercises like inventing new prefixes and suffixes and devising alternative taxonomies, participants will experiment with tools to both create the sensation of strangeness before reality and before language, and to conceive the possibility of telling a story from a “marginal” starting point.

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Yuri Herrera

Yuri Herrera (Actopan, México, 1970). Has written three novels, all of them translated into several languages: Kingdom Cons, Signs Preceding the End of the World, and Transmigration of Bodies; which have been published in English by And Other Stories. In 2016 he shared with translator Lisa Dillman the Best translated Book Award for the translation of Signs Preceding the End of the World. His latest books are A Silent Fury: The El Bordo Mine Fire and the short story collection Diez planetas.  He is currently an associate professor at Tulane University, in New Orleans.