Hypnopoeia/Poetics – Kristin Prevallet


Ezra Pound famously described poetry as the play of phanopoeia, melopoeia, and logopoeia (image, music, and meaning); but there is another “poeia” – hypnopoeia— working behind the scenes as the thread that connects writer and reader. Hypnopoeia  opens  a new field of poetry studies, investigating the ways poetry alters (for better or worse) the thinking of both readers and writers. In addition to being a poet and teacher, I am certified in clinical hypnosis, and each evening I will introduce workshop participants to self-hypnosis change-work techniques. We will collaborate to discover how these powerful exercises – which could have a dramatic impact on your life — can also be integrated into your work as a writer.  We will spend some part of each evening detecting the trance-states embedded in a variety of poems and other texts, and you will create your own trance-mediations. The urgency of this workshop is the future. If you don’t like the way it’s looking then change it. Now.

Kristin Prevallet is a poet, professor, and hypnotherapist. She is the author of four books including I, Afterlife: Essays in Mourning Time (Essay Press) and A Helen Adam Reader (National Poetry Foundation). (www.kayvallet.com) (www.poeticsofchange.com)