Jennifer Nelson‘s first book of poems, Aim at the Centaur Stealing Your Wife, came out with Ugly Duckling Presse in Dec. 2015. She is a fellow of the Michigan Society of Fellows and teaches in the art history department at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Ariel Resnikoff is the author of Between Shades (Materialist Press, 2014) & the co-author of Ten Four: Poems, Translations, Variations (The Operating System, 2015) with Jerome Rothenberg. He is currently at work on a translation into English of Mikhl Likht’s Yiddish modernist long poem, Protsesiyes (Processions), in collaboration with Stephen Ross. Ariel is an editor-at-large on Global Modernists on Modernism (Bloomsbury, forthcoming) & curates the “Multilingual Poetics” reading/talk series at Kelly Writers House.