Clark Coolidge is the author of more than forty books of poetry and other, including Space, Solution Passage, The Crystal Text, At Egypt, Now It’s Jazz: Writings on Kerouac & The Sounds, The Act of Providence and most recently 88 Sonnets and A Book Beginning What And Ending Away. Forthcoming, Selected Poems 1962-1985, Station Hill Press. In 2011 he edited a collection of Philip Guston’s writings and talks for U Cal Press. Initially a drummer, he was a member of David Meltzer’s Serpent Power in 1967 and Mix group in 1993-1994. He traveled to Paris September 2013 where his work was the subject of a symposium at Universite d’ Est. Currently he has returned to active drumming in duos with Thurston Moore and the on-going free jazz band Ouroboros.
Clark Coolidge