John Yau is a poet, fiction writer, critic, and publisher. His most recent book of poems is Bijoux in the Dark (Letter Machine Edition, 2018). In 2017, Autonomedia published a selection of essays, The Wild Children of William Blake. His recent monographs include Catherine Murphy (2016), Thomas Nozkowski (2017) and Philip Taaffe (2018). His interview with John Ashbery appears in John Ashbery: They Knew What They Wanted: Collages and Poems (Rizzoli, 2018). In 2012, he was one of the cofounders of the online magazine, Hyperallergic Weekend, where his reviews regularly appear. In 1999, he started Black Square Editions, a small independent press that has published more than fifty books of poetry, fiction, criticism, and translation by a wide range of writers and translators, including Pierre Reverdy, John Ashbery, Ron Padgett, Ann Jaderlund, Eugene Lim, Laura Mullen, and Pascalle Monnier. He is a Professor of Critical Studies in the Visual Arts Department at Mason Gross School of the Arts (Rutgers University) and lives in New York.
John Yau