Kristen Gallagher‘s most recent poetry collection is We Are Here (2011). Since then: “Florida,” a chapbook from Well Greased Press; “Dossier on the Site of a Shooting,” a multi-platform digital work on GaussPDF, reviewed by Paul Soulellis in Rhizome; “Untitled (Rosewood Trip),” text w screenshots, in Printed Web 3. Her essay “Cooking A Book with Low Level Durational Energy; or, How to Read Tan Lin’s Seven Controlled Vocabularies” was published in a collection Reading the Difficulties from University of Alabama Press, and her essay “Teaching Freire and CUNY Open Admissions” was recently anthologized in Class and the College Classroom: Essays on Teaching. She is Professor of English at City University of New York–LaGuardia Community College in Queens, New York.
Kristen Gallagher