- Events: Poetry Project Reading series calendar; Readings elsewhere listings
- Letter from the Editor
- Announcements: Book publication announcements
- Poems: September 27, 1841. Dresden from The Birthday Notations (objet trouve) by Ray DiPalma; tonight’s the night for carlos figueroa by Patricia Jones
- Reviews: Charlie Walsh reviews Bill Berkson’s Blue Is The Hero (L Publications, 1976); Kit Knight reviews Jim Burns’s The Goldfish Speaks From Beyond The Grave (The Salamander Imprint, 3 Cadogan Square, London, SWIX OHT, England, 1976); Simon Schuchat reviews Bob Rosenthal’s Cleaning Up New York (Angel Hair Books, Lenox, MA); Jim Brodey reviews Ed Friedman’s The Black Star Pilgrimage (“the escape story,” Frontward Books, NY)
- Features: “The Anthology Since 1960: Some Notes Toward an Overview” by Harry Lewis
- Editor: Ted Greenwald